Leipziger Messe Group of Companies – Your Competent Partner


Leipziger Messe Group of Companies

Leipziger Messe is one of the ten leading trade fair companies in Germany and one of the top 50 worldwide. We successfully organise countless trade fairs and are an expert partner for your events – regionally, nationally and internationally.

Each year more than 250 events – trade fairs, exhibitions, congresses and shows – are held at the Leipziger Messe exhibition grounds, attracting over 15,500 exhibitors and more than 1.2 million visitors from all over the world.

Leipziger Messe organises more than 30 trade fairs every year at its home venue and other exhibition centres. The portfolio of our own events includes trade and consumer fairs. This portfolio is continually supplemented by the acquisition of trade fairs as well as the development of new trade fair formats and cooperation concepts: Business Development.

Our business units, five subsidiaries and our representatives abroad cover the entire event-organisation sector. As an integrated service provider, we are able to combine many years of experience with a wide range of services for the planning and hosting of trade fairs, congresses and events. Our modern locations offer the perfect venue for events of all types and sizes.

We are a member of the major organisations in the industry and nurture cooperative relationships with numerous partners from the worlds of business and culture.

Fahnen vor dem Verwaltungsgebäude der Leipziger Messe mit MM-Turm, Foto: Grubitzsch

Knowledgable, International, Successful

Throughout its 850-year-long history , the Leipziger Messe has proven itself to be innovative and open to change. In our work, we always follow the credo of high service quality and marked focus on the customer. The Congress Center Leipzig has established itself as a focal point for the international congress industry.

Leipzig is a major player among the world's trade fair and congress venues. Exhibitors and visitors alL appreciate Leipzig's simultaneously professional and friendly atmosphere. This is also reflected both in our Code of Conduct and in the management style at the Leipziger Messe Group of Companies.

Our business is rooted in the region, but our focus is international: we serve our clients worldwide. Leipziger Messe's 23 international sales partners are here to take care of all your needs. We follow our open to the world approach both on a regional and a national level. Because trade fairs, congresses and events are hotspots for people to meet and interact.

Nachhaltigkeit bei der Leipziger Messe

Sustainability Is Our Guiding Principle

As our motto "Growth in Balance" suggests, Leipziger Messe is committed to corporate responsibility and the principle of sustainability. We respect and take into account the interests of the environment as well as those of our fellow human beings and business partners. Dedicated to sustainability as a guiding principle, we strive to conserve resources, save energy, develop regional synergies and address social issues in our role as an organiser, service provider and partner for international events.

Facts and figures 
Total events178 (2023)
Of which own trade fairs 21 (2023)
Of which congresses and other events in the CCL
and in the KONGRESSHALLE am Zoo Leipzig
132 (2023)
Of which guest events25 (2023)
Exhibitors9,656 (2023)
Visitors791,609 (2023)
Gross available exhibition area 111,900 sqm
Outdoor area 70,000 sqm
Glass hall (West entrance; event location/exhibition space) 
Congress Center Leipzig (CCL; Congress Centre) 
International branches in 33 countries (2023)
Employees (Company, yearly average) 420 (2023)
Green Globe certificatesince 2010
The double-M logosince 1917

Your contact person

Dr. Andreas Knaut
Portraitfotografie Andreas Knaut
Corporate Spokesperson and Head of Communications